EDAG aeromotive is ten years old!

From department to independent company – a leap that not many can pull off. But one which went well for EDAG aeromotive: Just two years after a few engineers started transferring engineering solutions for the automotive industry to the aerospace sector, the Aerospace Engineering department became a separate company, and this will be celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2023.

The experts at EDAG aeromotive GmbH can look back on numerous successfully completed software and hardware development projects, and have continuously developed their expertise in order to meet the high quality standards called for by their target group. The secret of their success: a strong engineering network coupled with the ability to quickly pick up on market trends and translate them into market-ready solutions, and to transfer automotive technologies to the aerospace industry.

Click here for more information: https://www.edag.com/de/edag-group/presse/pressemeldung/auf-hoehenflug-edag-aeromotive-gmbh-feiert-zehnjaehriges-bestehen-dank-verlaesslicher-expertise-und-innovativen-projekten