Validation of New Software Technologies to Ensure Competitiveness.
In times of digital transformation, data volumes are constantly increasing. According to predictions, the annual data increase will be in the region of 27%, which means that by 2025, the total data volume is expected to almost triple.
This growth can also be seen in the air defence industry. In order to be able to continue to profit from these huge amounts of data, a precise form of data analysis is required, with a subsequent evaluation. It is essential that suitable technologies should be selected to process the big data generated. Before selection, these must be researched in detail and evaluated on the basis of customer requirements. Following an extensive validation phase, customer-specific recommendations can be defined, the ideal technologies selected, and then integrated into the existing process. An exact analysis is needed to ensure that, despite the profusion of software solutions being provided by the different manufacturers, the ideal tool can still be found. Following this procedure also helps to reduce the number of application deficits occurring after a tool has been implemented. High follow-up costs on account of a new software implementation with repeat data transfer are in this way avoided.
EDAG aeromotive GmbH assists Airbus Defence & Space with the validation and selection of ideal software technologies. A quality tool for optimising logistic support analysis is currently being evaluated. In the process, FMECA software produced by different manufacturers is being tested, with the focus on customer-specific functionality, and evaluated according to the importance of customer requirements. After this, and on the basis of a precise validation process with methodological analyses, a recommendation concerning the ideal FMECA software most suitable for the application can then be made. In order to be able to guarantee the clarity of the entire validation process, the evaluation of the different products concerned is always objective, independent and transparent.
After the customer has made the final decision with regard to the software, EDAG aeromotive GmbH continues to provide support, namely with the integration of the new technology into the ongoing process. Existing data is checked for errors and imported into the new quality tool. Working in close coordination with the customer, this procedure enables logistic support analysis to be improved long term, and adapted to the latest digitalisation requirements. This can increase the efficiency of existing and future processes, reduce costs and at the same time increase safety in the aerospace and defence industry.